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User Since
Dec 13 2015, 1:52 AM (483 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 28 2016

Bumbah created T118883: Feature suggestion (7.92x57mm cartridge, more WW2 weapons).
Jun 28 2016, 7:04 PM · DayZ

Jun 22 2016

Bumbah added a comment to T118537: insane lag when browsing serverlist.

having similar issues, most of the time I am forced to find server with 3rd party tool and join directly by ip (has been a problem for me from the first iteration of dayz)

Jun 22 2016, 9:04 PM · DayZ
Bumbah created T118558: Item size rebalancing.
Jun 22 2016, 8:55 PM · DayZ
Bumbah created T118556: Temperature system needs rebalancing.
Jun 22 2016, 8:32 PM · DayZ

May 11 2016

Bumbah set Category to category:featurerequest on T115991: New scope for the SVD.
May 11 2016, 2:15 PM · DayZ
Bumbah set Category to category:balancing on T115960: Aftermarket magazines for the AK family.
May 11 2016, 2:14 PM · DayZ
Bumbah edited Additional Information on T115959: Mosin Picatinny adapter.
May 11 2016, 2:14 PM · DayZ
Bumbah set Category to category:featurerequest on T115958: Glock 19 mag extenders/Glock 17 magazines.
May 11 2016, 2:14 PM · DayZ
Bumbah added a comment to T115893: Bluetooth headset stops working in dayz.

nevermind, headset started working ingame after disabling mic service from headsets bluetooth services.

May 11 2016, 2:12 PM · DayZ
Bumbah added a comment to T115893: Bluetooth headset stops working in dayz.

I am using the latest drivers on MSI GE60 laptop with integrated bluetooth adapter and sony SBH60 headset. Having the same issue on stable and experimental branch.

May 11 2016, 2:12 PM · DayZ
Bumbah set Category to category:sound on T115893: Bluetooth headset stops working in dayz.
May 11 2016, 2:12 PM · DayZ
Bumbah added a comment to T115860: "Segway" animation 100% reproduction with 2 weapons.

nonetheless segwaying should be a priority fix

May 11 2016, 2:11 PM · DayZ
Bumbah added a comment to T115821: Dead bodies despawn WAY too fast.

could be even longer than 1 hour in my opinion (hicks hinted at pax that something similar to buzzing sound from the mod could be coming in the future).

May 11 2016, 2:09 PM · DayZ
Bumbah added a comment to T115791: Naked characters/Not able to equip gear.

has happened to me also, suiciding character also fixes this.

May 11 2016, 2:08 PM · DayZ
Bumbah set Category to category:featurerequest on T115777: Craftable leg pouches.
May 11 2016, 2:08 PM · DayZ
Bumbah added a comment to T115776: Craftable netting.

after experimenting a bit have found lately much more netting for some reason, still took about 5 hours for 6 netting though

May 11 2016, 2:08 PM · DayZ
Bumbah set Category to category:featurerequest on T115776: Craftable netting.
May 11 2016, 2:07 PM · DayZ
Bumbah added a comment to T115746: Bullets penetrating trees.

Well im not expert on the matter but I would think smaller trees would give no trouble to rifle rounds like you said. Anyways my point being you shouldnt be 100% safe behind a tree, this would give firefights in woods some variety instead of two people hiding behind the same trees for 15mins due to staying in cover being advantageous.

May 11 2016, 2:07 PM · DayZ
Bumbah set Category to category:featurerequest on T115746: Bullets penetrating trees.
May 11 2016, 2:06 PM · DayZ
Bumbah added a comment to T115328: Rebalancing tire and jerrycan inventory size.

You are totally correct. However, in the end Dayz is a game and I personally felt first time that I was "wasting time" while looking/carrying tires for several hours (eventhough in dayz I have been just running around for hours and hours before quitting without anything "exciting" happening.) Sacrificing backpack slots for a tire is in my opinion a pretty fair trade. Alternate opinions/ideas about this mechanic are most certainly welcome.

May 11 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ
Bumbah set Category to category:balancing on T115328: Rebalancing tire and jerrycan inventory size.
May 11 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ
Bumbah set Category to category:balancing on T115327: MP-133 Shotgun with pistol grip inventory size rebalance.
May 11 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ
Bumbah set Category to category:featurerequest on T115326: Pistol sight/Crossbow holosight attachable on hunting rifles.
May 11 2016, 1:52 PM · DayZ