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- User Since
- May 17 2013, 5:28 PM (619 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Bluedrake42 added a comment to T77222: "enableSimulation true" not working for sector modules..
So my community just spent a long time working on this, and we figured out if you want to create an AAS system using the vanilla Sectors... you have to use "enableSimulation false" on the area triggers, not the sectors themselves.
So for instance, name the trigger attached to your area logic as "flag2" and then use "flag2 enableSimulation false" on that. It won't show as disabled on the map, but it'll achieve the effect you're looking for.
Bluedrake42 edited Steps To Reproduce on T68238: Feature Request: Commander Position for Armored Vehicles.
Bluedrake42 edited Steps To Reproduce on T68236: Feature Request: Driver and Gunner Position Vehicle Interiors for Armored Vehicles.
Bluedrake42 edited Steps To Reproduce on T66968: Tactical and Jogging Paces have Incorrect Sighted Animations.
Bluedrake42 edited Steps To Reproduce on T66782: Separate Binds for "Adjust Up" and "Adjust Down".