I created the sector control module from game modes, added 3 sectors named flag1, flag2 and flag3. I added a game logic area to all of them, synced to a trigger. All the basics. On the other side, I created a trigger that would go off at mission start, with the following OnAct:
flag2 enableSimulation false;
I then added the following code into flag1's expression field.
if ((_this select 1) == west) then {(_this select 0) enableSimulation false}; flag2 enableSimulation true}
This code should have disabled flag1 for capping once Blufor capped it, but allowed flag2 to be active again.
However, when doing so, the trigger launches at the start, disabling flag2. I capture flag1 as blufor, and the icon for flag2 appears again, as if it is active, while still being greyed out on the map. When entering the zone, the cap doesn't move. {F23962}