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- User Since
- May 11 2013, 2:17 PM (615 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
BiscuitDog edited Steps To Reproduce on T90348: Backpack is full, put it in a new backpack and you got ten extra slots..
BiscuitDog added a comment to T73417: Cannot find all multiplayer servers.
Same has been happening to me for months but if I use playwith6 to browse, i see all servers.
BiscuitDog added a comment to T71400: a speed toggle for vehicles.
*I realise "s" is not the solution since that's reverse XD but another key maybe.
BiscuitDog edited Steps To Reproduce on T71400: a speed toggle for vehicles.
BiscuitDog edited Steps To Reproduce on T66613: I would love to be able to draw my sidearm from the cockpit of the little bird so as to cover the boys..
BiscuitDog added a comment to T66581: Game crashes when windowed by another program. Steam says it's still open when I try restart.
No, Also the issue seems to have stopped over the last few days.
BiscuitDog added a comment to T66581: Game crashes when windowed by another program. Steam says it's still open when I try restart.
Thanks for the help but when I check, it's not in the task manager at all!? No processes or tasks :|
BiscuitDog added a comment to T66581: Game crashes when windowed by another program. Steam says it's still open when I try restart.
Done, thanks for the quick reply :).
BiscuitDog added a comment to T66581: Game crashes when windowed by another program. Steam says it's still open when I try restart.
I do but quite an old card, gts 450.
driver version 314.22.
BiscuitDog edited Steps To Reproduce on T66581: Game crashes when windowed by another program. Steam says it's still open when I try restart.
BiscuitDog added a comment to T66579: A PIP screen in the map view.
I do.