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User Since
Mar 7 2013, 11:20 AM (628 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

Big_T added a comment to T87098: No servers available.

Don't forget to try and click "internet" at the top

May 10 2016, 3:16 PM · DayZ
Big_T added a comment to T86583: Mouse control needs some love. Accel, sliders, inconsistent and imprecise..

Yes I agree with the above, it just needs whole lot of work. Playing Arma 3 feels so nice and proper. As the standalone is now its very hurky jerky, and it's not just a getting used to thing it's really bad.

May 10 2016, 2:00 PM · DayZ
Big_T added a comment to T78092: Add the possibility of adding eventhandlers to ammunitions defined in cfgAmmo.

Signed for Better sound in Arma, it's an important element to a realistic feel. :)

May 10 2016, 8:43 AM · Arma 3
Big_T added a comment to T70402: The 1rst Person Breathing noises way too loud and unrealistic.

Icchan, this is just not true and a common misconception. If you clasps your teeth or make tounge noises in your mouth then yes those are transmitting though your jaw bone and into your ear. Your breath however is vocalized though your lungs and mainly mouth and is thus muffled by your bones and flesh.

Just plug your ears: the noise that you hear with ears plugged is the resonance though your bones. The rest is though your ears. Try talking at a normal level, then plug ears and talk at the same level. The plugged is much lower and muffled.

If you actually put a mic and recorded your voice / breath at normal levels then played back at normal levels you would see the difference. The recorded is much louder than you perceive.

May 10 2016, 5:11 AM · Arma 3
Big_T edited Steps To Reproduce on T70402: The 1rst Person Breathing noises way too loud and unrealistic.
May 10 2016, 5:11 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Big_T edited Steps To Reproduce on T60378: Zoom is delayed with infantry but not while in a vehicle.
May 9 2016, 9:42 PM · Arma 3
Big_T added a comment to T59292: Game crash when loading into multiplayer map.

I have noticed it crashes %100 of the time on wasteland and sometimes on other servers. Some particular servers (usually deathmatch) it never seems to crash.

May 9 2016, 6:50 PM · Arma 3