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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 12:31 PM (626 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 9 2016
I would like to note as well that the Dpad controls are universal on all 3 current schemes, Infantry/Vehicle/Helicopter
@JazonVorheeS: Well the military has its regulations for when to sleep and when to get up as well as when soldiers are allowed R&R on base, there is no regulation against women using beauty products in their spare time. I knew a guy who's cousin was a base Engineer and she always got caked up by oil, dust and everything in-between and she always had face wipes and some foundation for after her time under the hood.
Its truly fascinating how the military works, its seems its not as formal as we all think but not as informal as some others think. Definitely worth looking up in one's spare time.
Hey i just had an idea im sure everybody could agree on.
Instead of mass inclusion of female soldiers because its true that front line women are rare at best. Why not go with the Air force? they hire females all the time for their quick reflexes which is needed when airborn. So instead of making female soldiers, why not make female pilots? eh?
This will help people who don't want random females on their squads during the game and will also integrate females into the military of Arma3 giving a balance to people on both sides of the argument.
The only downside is that it would be controlled by Arma's built in head randomization scripts but im sure that could be modified to be a little class specific for gender types.
As a girl myself i enjoyed the "Female Soldiers mod" from Arma2 and would love it if BI could go the extra mile to bring in female's.
It needn't be anything difficult, just head models and voices. Simple no?
A woman in excellent physical condition does not need to look like an hour-glass... All the Armor on top of the BDU plus rucksacks and other heavy equipment makes female shape incredibly similar to male on the battlefield.
The British Armed Forces employ Females in Afghanistan to communicate with the locals in order to avoid cultural conflicts. Women also exell in all the fields males can. Neither sex is better or worse than the other for battle.
Joan of Ark - Cut her hair and dawned the raiment of a warrior to fight for a cause she thought was right. Today's women do the same.
In conclusion I would prefer that Bohemia interactive respect the fairness that we all deserve and put in female soldiers
(Or at least female civilians that can wear the gear and carry the weapons)
And if they don't, I prey the modder who made FemaleSoldiersOA is still haunting Armaholic.