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- Mar 15 2013, 5:11 PM (625 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Totally agree.
this entry duplicates
let's switch to it as it was entered earlier.
if his position is known he is not running for cover then just fucking shoot him to kill if you can with your current weapon.
If you can't kill and whine for magic "suppression" then you are idiot and GTFO.
Why if the sniper choose to stay in position and shoot you he must have funny screen effects ?
if your aim id bad and enemies just laught at your suppression fire then this is your problem.
"long range LMG against sniper" - is it not how it works in real life ?
They chosen wrong weapon for long ranges, then lost.
or you just want "balance" ? then go play "balanced" arcades.
BF3 shit. I stopped playing and totally hate this effect in BF3.
" there should be some mechanic that encourages keeping your head down when fired at though" - shut up pussies, Is possibility to be killed not enough ?
or you want to lay and spam bullets near targets not bothering to actually hit them ? L2P !
if you can't hit "suppressed" target and he can hit you then die and go play BF3.
And yes, I hate blur effect itself, not only increased bullet spread.
BF3 needs these crutches because it takes 20 freaking bullets to kill somebody there, because it is arcade game.
here in Arma with 1-2 hits to kill it is ridiculous to have any sort of suppression mechanics.
Don't make me mad !
Voting up!
now cloudiness only affects intensity of grounds shadows, looks very unreallistic when there is a lot of blue holes in the sky but landscape is the same gray color everywhere.
Also when cloud shadow moves in to/out of player's location luminosity should change accordingly.
who needs higher gamma do it on his monitor/windows settings.
but difference is that in case of increased ingame "gamma" at night missions the engine outputs brighter pixels thus giving more details on the screen comparing to those who uses default gamma.
If you increase gamma in your monitor you get brighter picture but it doesn't make visible pixels that suppose to be invisible. you don't get more detailed picture.
pls upvote who downvoted.
this is really important tweak.
PS I hope someone with better English explain it better.
Totally agree.
Let's change severity to "major".
In multiplayer this client side "gamma" option makes night battles almost senseless.
I actively play Iron Front (on Arma 2 engine) and at night missions I'm forced to change brightness to max for not to have disadvantage, because EVERYBODY does it.
May 9 2016
I liked rain in Arma 2,
in A3 when sky all in clouds it is too much grey and strangely blue.