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- User Since
- May 28 2014, 9:14 AM (562 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
AwesomeFart added a comment to T98530: [Proposal] Possible fix for 'Panic Quitting' and 'Server Hopping'.
how about window :
relog in 30...29....28...
it could cause lot of misception... like... hey i want go to bed, ok so i relog here and then zombie kills you while you not even in game... > char wipe...
AwesomeFart added a comment to T98524: Food or drink is not possible to use if you try to use it when your hands full (eg weapon).
happed to me with bandage,
zombie got me bleeding > i panically used bandage right away > only inspect option availible > relog > char wipe
im gonna try reproduce this too to be sure, got me mad...
AwesomeFart added a comment to T91361: Suicide option.
+1 for this idea!
Make suicide possible with some items:
- Weapons (Melee/Guns)
- Rope
- Stone"
YEP !!! +1
AwesomeFart added a comment to T89012: Legs breaking too easily / Fall damage too high.
agree fall damage too high / unrealistic, almost nobody brokes a leg jumping from 2 meter height..