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User Since
Jan 18 2014, 2:26 AM (583 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

May 11 2016

AvengedJoker set Category to category:other on T103849: Zombies have really long aggro ranged for some reason for me.
May 11 2016, 1:20 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

AvengedJoker added a comment to T93359: [Suggestion] Guilt / Paranoia for murder.

Don't get me wrong sounds like a good idea but KoS and banditing has always been a part of dayz and the are no pvp and no bandit servers out there if you make being a bandit something that cause you character to hear noises and get more intense with more murders you are just gonna make those fans of dayz that have played since it was a mod not wanna play anymore. As far as new players there are many servers that a bambie friendly and actually have people there to help.

May 10 2016, 7:15 PM · DayZ
AvengedJoker added a comment to T93359: [Suggestion] Guilt / Paranoia for murder.

I understood the concept just thought it could be altered for example in the mod if you go the bandit route when you get to bandit level you lose armor bullets do more damage to you if you go the hero route you get a skin with a vest bullets do less damage to you. Something along this line is fine what you said with the random sounds and visions is bad servers have tried it on the mod before but failed hense why you have never heard of them they got annoying and after awhile people stopped playing on it. Stuff the that distracts people will never work because when it come to hardcore DayZ players which is about 60-80% of them sound and awareness is everything not to mention that if you try to go the hero route but are forced to kill a guy because he shoots first then you are screwed and then you get people that want to be hero's getting pissed off and leaving and before you say well how often does that happen more than you think.

May 10 2016, 7:15 PM · DayZ
AvengedJoker added a comment to T93359: [Suggestion] Guilt / Paranoia for murder.

aristizabal95 now you are starting to get it that negative guilt aspect is better and now I think it is a good idea. As far as the people saying that people sit on hills with snipers and killing new spawns that is just cherno and electro it has always been like that it is never gonna change but the guilt thing might help cut it down by like 5%, but trust me people that do that are people that just want to mess around a bit in game so its not gonna do much to stop them.

May 10 2016, 7:15 PM · DayZ
AvengedJoker added a comment to T87444: Zombies detect us at ridiculous range (More than 120mts).

cool thanks

May 10 2016, 3:38 PM · DayZ
AvengedJoker added a comment to T87444: Zombies detect us at ridiculous range (More than 120mts).

have the devs even bothered to look at or replay to any of these post other than saying moved for dupe because this is a huge game breaking bug.

May 10 2016, 3:38 PM · DayZ
AvengedJoker added a comment to T87202: Night time can be easily cheated away with gamma/brightness sliders for night vision.

this has been around since arma 2 it is nothing new and no one have ever complained about it before why is it such a big issue all of a sudden?

May 10 2016, 3:23 PM · DayZ