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Mar 6 2013, 1:46 PM (627 w, 1 d)

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May 10 2016

AussieStig added a comment to T62547: Light sources (except sun and moon) shine their light through objects / do not cast shadows.

This is a huge problem, especially for night time PvP missions.

May 10 2016, 12:05 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

AussieStig added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

16 year old emotion boy pretending to be a female because it wants attention is what's up. Not to mention its feminist followers.

May 9 2016, 7:46 PM · Arma 3
AussieStig added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

@Corona2172 While females might have ever so slightly steadier hands, they aren't anywhere near males when it comes to situational and spacial awareness, making shooting at moving targets much harder for females.

inb4 someone provides a link of a single woman that was a great shooter. For every 1 good female militant/shooter, there are 9 shit ones.

May 9 2016, 7:42 PM · Arma 3
AussieStig added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

ItFrankie, while that may be realistic, it'd send these feminists into a fit of burning rage.

The answer is simple, don't put in females. It saves them time, it keeps the majority of people happy, and we forget about this whole shitstorm forever.

May 9 2016, 7:42 PM · Arma 3
AussieStig updated subscribers of T60025: No female soldiers models available.

@GOATier knows whats fucking up.

This thread is a joke, and it disappoints me that such stupid people are part of the arma community.

May 9 2016, 7:36 PM · Arma 3
AussieStig added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

My reasoning for them not being in the game is as follows:
-This is a military simulator. It's NOT about the character you're playing as, it's about what you're doing with the character, and adding a female character will not change what the character does, so there is no benefit
-Development time is far to much for a feature that is not game changing in any way at all

Now, onto you're [citation needed] comments, because they are ridiculous, and you don't have any substance to back them up. 40% of 'gamers' are women. You know who that includes? You guessed it, people who play games on their iPhones/iPods/iPads/smart phones. They make up for a HUGE % of 'gamers', yet all they are doing is spending 20 minutes on a hand held game that shouldn't be taken into account when talking about actual video games. Something that Ms. Anita Sarcisian clearly cannot fathom.

Back to the actual topic. You provided me with a whole bunch of great reasons as to why I'd add Women into a game such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, or any other generic First Person Shooter, where the way your character stands out is part of what makes those games what they are. They need to give you customization and a sense that you are different from everyone else. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that neither of you have actually served. You've never been part of something like the military, you don't know what it's like. You're all the same person, you don't get to stand out, you don't get to be your own person, and that is why character customization is irrelevant within a military simulator, because it's simulating what is happening in real military organizations.

There is no need for character customization if it does nothing for the game, in this case, it quite literally does nothing for the game. You get the choice of a male or female, what's the difference? Does the female have the ability to carry more gear, or see further? Nope, the female is the exact same as the male, in every way.

This brings me onto the fact that you could still add it into the game, but there is no point because of development time vs what they gain. What do bohemia gain from this? You can't seriously suggest that suddenly women are going to pick this game up because it has a female character.

Most women don't play FPS games for the same reason they don't all join the military, because they don't god damn want to, not because of some cosmetic feature.

You are also in a very unique clan. I'd take a guess and say that you market yourself towards women, or you know them all, because there are barely any woman that play Arma. We're talking between 1-5%, and that's being generous.

I'm not satisfied that any of your answers bring anything to the game.

You're clearly part of the Arma community, you know that a mod will be created for this within no time at all. But you know what, that will never be good enough for you. Even if 90% of servers had it installed, it'd never be good enough.

May 9 2016, 7:35 PM · Arma 3
AussieStig added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

How many responses now? Like 6? Not once have you given me an actual reasonable response, absolutely outstanding job from you Mole, outstanding.

I'll continue to monitor this thread until it's dead, on the off chance that I'll actually see something from you that suggests that you're anything but someone looking to sacrifice resources for idiotic equality that has no real basis in a military simulator.

May 9 2016, 7:34 PM · Arma 3
AussieStig added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

Oh you guys, you make me laugh.

Stop telling me to read through all of the answers here, I skimmed through almost every single one of them before I even wrote a response earlier, and not one of the responses even tries to justify creating a female model for Arma 3. The best excuse is "The US military just allowed for women to go into Infantry MOS's" And? You play as a soldier in Arma, whether that is a woman or a man, it doesn't matter, it makes no difference, as it does in real life (well actually, it does, but I won't even start on how stupid it is).

Sure you could add women into the game, but why? I just fail to see any reason as to why the need to be in the game. The months it will take to do this, could be much better spent on the fact that the game runs like shit on a huge % of PC's.

Give me a reason why that dev time should be spent on making female models, instead of something useful in the game. For the last time, don't tell me to read through this whole thing, because I've done it, and there is nothing there. This whole thread is just 1 big joke.

I look forward to your ridiculous response next time, they really do make my day a lot better. Its such a shame that you really do have so much time to defend an idea, and you're willing to waste it on such a stupid one.

May 9 2016, 7:34 PM · Arma 3
AussieStig added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

Oh look, you responded once again, with literally no answer. Why don't you sleep on it kid, maybe you can come back tomorrow with an actual answer. Or maybe, just maybe, you'll realise that this is just a stupid idea.

Once again, I'll ask you to tell me how women add to a military simulator.

And you'll respond with something childish again, and something about how I'm stupid, or a dog. Once again proving how utterly childish you are.

May 9 2016, 7:33 PM · Arma 3
AussieStig added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

You can call me an idiotic australian all you fucking want Major mole, it doesn't get away from the fact that you are an uneducated feminazi faggot.

You have no basis to your argument, none at all. There is no reason to put women in. If you can provide an argument as to how women will improve gameplay for a military simulator, then I'll happily concede to you. But the fact is, the game is no about the character your playing as.

This would be like adding female racing drivers to racing games. Sure, women drive racing cars in real life, and sure, you could add them in as a developer, but a racing game is not about the character you're playing as, it's about what you're doing in the game. The same is true for Arma, a military simulator. It's not about who you play as in any way at all, so there is literally no reason to add women in.

Anyway, I'm out. Bohemia are never going to add women in, no matter how much you cry about it. They know it's not worth their time, especially when it's not going to sell them any more copies.

May 9 2016, 7:33 PM · Arma 3
AussieStig added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

@MaJoR Mole, you must be fucking retarded, you are retarded, right? Please tell me you actually have an excuse for being so fucking stupid.

You go on to call me dumber than a dog, a redneck which isn't possible, and yet you won't give a shred of evidence as to why we need women in the game? What does it do for the game? It does nothing at all, it's there to satisfy your feminist needs.

I'm not a sexist, just someone who isn't completely blinded by their own stupidity about how fucking idiotic their idea is.

Go on, tell me why we need women in this game. There would need to be all new clothing, new faces, new voices, new player models, probably new animations. This is months and months of work for a small company. What is it all for? Does it make the game more immersive? Hardly. Does it make it a better military simulator? It doesn't affect gameplay in any way at all, so no it doesn't. All it does is add something that takes up development time. That shit will be in Battlefield 4 because they have the time to waste on such a pointless feature. This is a military simulator, it simulators war and killing, not a feelings simulator.

May 9 2016, 7:33 PM · Arma 3
AussieStig added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

Why would BIS waste such a huge amount of time on a feature designed simply to satisfy your 'feelings'.

May 9 2016, 7:32 PM · Arma 3
AussieStig added a comment to T59552: you can land your helicopter verry roughly without damaging it at all.

There is no way anyone can justify the amount of a beating the helicopter can take, it's ridiculous how hard you can hit the ground without taking any damage.

In saying that though, they will be adding the TOH flight model into the game a little later, there are just a few problems with it right now. The heli flying model we are using right now is just an updated Arma 2 one, and it's only a placeholder.

May 9 2016, 7:01 PM · Arma 3
AussieStig edited Steps To Reproduce on T59404: Terrible Performance.
May 9 2016, 6:54 PM · Arma 3