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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 7:13 PM (588 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
do you mean vicinity instead of inventory?
so that is how my 60round STANAG disappeared -> confirmed!
sounds more like broken leg to me.
gave a guy a clean headshot yesterday, and i didnt destroy any items...
this could explain why i did not find loot in Rog's and Devil's castle.
items that are moved out of your inventory automatically (e.g. bc you are grabbing a 2nd weapon) can glitch up or down too.
today we have seen both items stuck at the ceiling and a gun falling to the bottom layer of a military house, which was dropped on the 1st/2nd floor.
will try seven's hint tomorrow.
we had the impression that after dropping (aka losing) an item into the vicinity it just takes some time for the item to actually appear in the vicinity.
usually ~60s, sometimes several minutes.
it is indeed not working as intended, but is very consistent - if you found a position and a camera angle that works, it will always work for any player(as long as you do not move a bit).
if you got solid rocks in the water, go next to them and keep an eye on the context actions - once you got the correct position the drink/refill option will pop up. dont know why the "correct" positions tend to be around rocks, but it eases up refilling quite a lot.
since i am using 3rd person allmost all the time i cannot say if/how that works in 1st, but i guess its similar.
i guess the same problem as the DayZCommander - too many attempting connections at once.
strange, since there should be a full server list (with info) provided by steam.
bajonnet is still not working with build 113822
works not only with zombies, i accidently pushed my squadmate through a solid wall just by moving to close.
gas lamp is still not working with alphabuild 0.30.113911