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- User Since
- Nov 8 2014, 4:12 AM (538 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
As stated above by Llew, also when on uneven surface body starts to slide when killed and cannot be looted after that, some players see it in different place and can loot, some donțt see the body at all
Happened to me too, twice allready... shoes get ruined, ițm guessing it has something to do with the new shoes worn as you walk mechanic because all the shoes are pristine even after running from novo to balota and back again...
happened again on different server... (DO NOT JOIN - KICK ON SIGHT) tents were fine for more than a week, had 2 locations - a few in near cherno and a few near kami - the tents disappeard without a trace
We also got robbed but they allways left stuff on the ground because they could not cary all, so unless 10 people found the tents at the same time (45 mins since we last saw them) this is a server/persistance bug
Other servers were fine...
P.S.= what is GSP ?
We had about 10 tents placed on a server (NL 3-20 by vilayer) and after about 24 hours they dissappeared with all the loot in them, this must be solved because it will piss-off some people that spent about 5 hours looking for those tents...
May 10 2016
Ițm with SgtPotatoes that would be awesome