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May 10 2016

who_knows_893 added a comment to T63773: Hackers / griefers making gameplay impossible [cant assess Alpha anyfurther].

alpha is supposed to demonstrate and to collect bugs easily, to make the game in the final stage better.
battleeye could be activated with no effort, but do we need it to fix bugs? no.
so you can play your bf or cod, but please stop spamming the bug tracker with your shit. think before posting

May 10 2016, 12:57 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

who_knows_893 added a comment to T62038: Good job BI!.

you shall not be punished for your kind feelings.
but really, this is the bug tracker which means it's made for "complaints" about bugs, so the dev team can fix it for the final game.

May 9 2016, 11:43 PM · Arma 3
who_knows_893 added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

i'll add me 2 cents because i upvoted.

my rig is a

Ultra/Max-Settings and default viewdistance @ 1080p around 15-20fps.

If i tweak a little bit, like turning down terrain and object details (which does the most difference after some testing), limiting the vd to 2500 and downscaling the rendering to 75% (1440xsomething pixels), i get the smooth 30-35 fps.

now, the alpha already looks ridiculously awesome, even the sound has some impact, very powerful blasts and shots. but the permormance, please BI, this has to be fixed until the release. if you fix the performance problems, you're easily standing beside valve as the last remaining pc-dominant master-developers ;D

i'm not a programmer at any level, but i guess there's some problem with rendering tons of stuff, that you can't acutally see. Thus turning to the inlands of the island drops the fps under the 30fps marks and if you turn to the open sea, the fps jums up to 80 fps. i have no clue if this is connected to the low usage of the CPU/GPU (#1 80% #2-6 20-30%, GPU 40-50%), but please try to fix this problem with the engine, arma3 (in combination with dayz) is a huge opportunity for BIS to gain new aknowledgement from new customers.

May 9 2016, 4:35 PM · Arma 3