OK, I found out what I have done wrong with with 3.b) I wasn't aware that the yaw button was in fact a modifier ... means I have to press both buttons. IMHO that is a bit illogical. Why do I have to press both?
But at 3.a) I can assign button 4*, and 5 (not 6, though) but it has no effect in the game what so ever. (But not to any other action since the game says it conflicts with the editor)
To the airlock problem ... once I had the rotation going I was able to wedge it in. The human building missions are in a desperate need of an tutorial.
I had a short look at the test version...inventory ... cool feature... the accidentally disassemble and the not able to disassemble will be solved once tools are introduced. With tool disassemble/assemble everything, without use it (when is possible).