New update 7/31/14
I have recently gone back to using various memory allocators to try to find some stability. I have seen some success with -malloc=system. I still crash regardless, but this seems to help me crash less frequently at the initial load, and also last longer before crashing.
I also recently reinstalled the game again. This time I switched it from my SSD to my HDD, in the hopes that the SSD was my problem. It was not the issue, as I am still crashing.
The next thing I will try is obtaining a copy of Windows 8.1 and seeing if my copy of Windows is the issue. Please note that I have already reformatted (that's why my crash dumps only began at 7/5), but a new and different OS is the only remaining thing I can think to attempt.
If it's not the SSD, and it's not my memory (I've run so many tests, it's not the memory), then the list is getting shorter. I highly doubt it's my video card (drivers are up-to-date and safely installed, temps and loads seem normal). Perhaps it could be the game's interaction with my motherboard or CPU (I'm not overclocked). Again though, I do not crash in ANY other game that I own. I'm suggesting that it is ARMA's interaction with my hardware that is the issue, not the hardware alone that is the issue.
Since the problem is not widespread, I can accept that there may be a very specific problem with ARMA interacting with certain hardware. However, it can not be an issue that is so specific that it's just my problem alone, as there are multiple tickets similar to my issue that crop up on a weekly basis. Here are some more:
Please acknowledge that this is an issue that is being addressed. And please let me know if I'm spreading misinformation in these other threads about the issue. If anything I've said is false and unhelpful, I will certainly stop, but you must let me know. Discussing the issue with others is the only thing I can attempt to do now, in the hopes of someone finding a miracle cure.