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May 10 2016

JeTeBaiseTherese added a comment to T94492: Can't respawn -- "you are dead" on joining any server.


  1. Find a server that will delete your character upon joining, you can look in the server name if it says something like "Server will delete character" Join it and it will fix your problem
  2. done

the solution work fine for me ;) . After i respawn on a "Server will delete character" i'm "inconscious " , click on "respawn" and it's ok you can go another server :)

That work on regular server and hardcor server :) .

May 10 2016, 7:55 PM · DayZ
JeTeBaiseTherese added a comment to T94492: Can't respawn -- "you are dead" on joining any server.

You refresh your server list and you fliter by player ( minium player ) and you find a "reset serveur " :)
like thise one : GOOD GAME :)

May 10 2016, 7:55 PM · DayZ
JeTeBaiseTherese added a comment to T94492: Can't respawn -- "you are dead" on joining any server.

Yes . You can find it on the " internet list " of dayz's server . You put on " host " " delete " and you find a " delete character" server :)

if this solution doesn't work i have another one :

You go to the "menu " and you change your character :
Mal to female
Black to white

You click on " set by default "
You change your nick name and GO , you can play .

Work for me this afternoon .

May 10 2016, 7:55 PM · DayZ
JeTeBaiseTherese added a comment to T94492: Can't respawn -- "you are dead" on joining any server.

I have make a youtube tuto if you want

For respawn

May 10 2016, 7:55 PM · DayZ