I reinstalled the game everytime a new version came out (even for 0.63.149525). I even deleted everything from the dayz folder in document and appdata. Nothing is overclocked on my pc.
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Dec 1 2018
Nov 22 2018
Is there a reason why its being ignored?
Nov 14 2018
Nov 7 2018
Beta has been released and you guys havent fixed this issue, i am really sad, i cannot play the game anymore because of this problem.
Aug 28 2018
Alright, i just tried the game with the default settings.DayZProfile and i maxed out my ram again. Even if the graphic options of the ingame menu were set to the lowest. Here are the changes i did to the settings.DayzProfile:
I have good news, i downloaded the newest driver and reduced my settings using the games options menu and the settings.DayZProfile at the same time, the game was using 6.25 gb of ram at one point but when my games session hitted 1 hour and 10 minutes it dropped back to 5.8 gb of ram. I will try again while using the default settings.DayZProfile and report back if i still max out my ram.
I close every programs i can when playing dayz 0.63 (except for steam) and the issue is still happening. I will try to update my GPU drivers to see if it fixed the issue.
Aug 26 2018
I tried to increase it since you suggested it and sadly, it changed nothing for me.
Aug 25 2018
I tried stress test #41 and the memory leak is still present even if i delete the content of my dayz folder in documents. I asked to some players in the game if the issue is happening on their side, one of them said dayz never uses more than 3 gb of ram and he uses windows 10 64 bit pro, i asked someone else who is on windows 10 and he said dayz uses 7 gb of ram at the moment i asked him.
Aug 24 2018
Sadly, i didnt have the time to connect to a server for stress test #41 since they just closed. But i heard from twitter the servers may be reopened today so i will try later.
Im gonna try stress test #41 right now after deleting the content of the DayZ folder in documents and i will report back if it keeps happening. Also i dont have any launch parameters.
Aug 22 2018
I asked to some people who plays dayz on windows 10 and the issue seems to not be present on their computer. It may be caused by windows 7.
The memory leak seems to be caused by the assets not being removed from the memory when they arent used.
In T128285#1683278, @Geez wrote:Thank you lerroyevans.
Have you also tried if you experience this issue when connected to a stress test server? As the singleplayer client can be more demanding due to everything being handled by the client.
I tried stress test #35 and the issue is still happening, the memory usage keeps increasing the more i am moving, i have a theory that it may be a resources management problem since the memory usage isnt increasing while i am standing at the same position for 5 mins.
Jun 17 2018
Sad that you guys have released experimental without fixing this issue.
Jun 16 2018
We need a function that flushes the memory in the meantime, i wish the devs would do this.
I have the memory leak problem.
Jun 8 2018
Sadly the memory usage was being maxed during stress test #20. Today i will try stress test #21.
Jun 7 2018
I heard you guys may have fixed the problem in stress text #20, im gonna report back soon if it is indeed fixed.
the same thing is happening everytime i try to change clothing.
Still happening in Stress test #19. Walking around for 30-60 mins at the same location is still maxing my memory. (DayZ is using more than 6GB out of my 8GB of ram).
Jun 5 2018
Yes, i tried multiple stress tests. The ram usage was maxed after 30-60 mins.
May 28 2018
Apr 27 2018
Sorry if it took so long to respond. I tried 0.62 stable and the memory usage never gets over 4 100 mb even after 30-50 mins of gameplay.
Apr 26 2018
Sure, but right now i cant because i need to download it. But i will give it a try.
I never tried 0.62.