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Apr 2 2021

Averdrian added a comment to T157566: Weather Exploit.

The community I play on (Dystopia, also ran by the same owner as The Wall/Trumps Wall) has been consistently targeted and attacked by this exploit/hack for well over a month and a half. As a very active player for on said server, it’s been very disheartening to keep trying to help rebuild the player base after the first attacks forced the server to go into a whitelist, which killed and and all new players coming in. This Exploit can take a toll on any server that he decides to use it against. The hacker has also claimed on his Twitter (ThirdTemple_ACR) that he has donors who are willing to donate money for him to continue these “services” for money. This is as of now, a more isolated issue. But The Devs have to understand that this can hit ANY AND ALL servers. Dayz is a very community driven game, and a lot of new players come in by word of mouth from friends. Players aren’t going to be recommending this game to their friends if they get gray screen/sound blasted/heat turned up so high it’s like you’re on fire every 30 minutes. Something has to be done ASAP. Save these communities Bohemia, because without action being taken these communities will slowly dwindle to nothing, as well as the player base of this game we all love, even with all these problems.

Apr 2 2021, 9:10 PM · DayZ