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May 9 2016

SissiSaatana added a comment to T62210: Ka-60, display a map on the second MFCD..

we need functional clickable cockpits (at least for the critical parts) for airplanes, mdf's needs to clickable and functional so that u can view weapon data, map data, possibly tgp(targeting pod should be functional aka, u can slew our targeting crosshair around + and lock targets), fcr (radar, should also be realistic not an 360 degree gods all seeing eye) and stuff like that (see falcon bms, dcs a-10 for examples), AT least we need the possibility for clickable cockpits + proper mdf tools so that modder can acces this problem, + HUD's (ccip, ccrp, proper dog fight mode etc. :D) need overhaul from a2 butting I'm waiting what can be seen on this front

May 9 2016, 11:49 PM · Arma 3
SissiSaatana added a comment to T62038: Good job BI!.

omg this is so fail, praise the game on the forums this is bug tracker u retard... pls someone delete this retard thread, every idiot should stop spammin this cause now they are gona be flooded by useless messages / and some bug reported like 100-1000x times cause ppl makes poor tickets ...

May 9 2016, 11:43 PM · Arma 3
SissiSaatana added a comment to T61852: Useless "HUD on helmet" in Ka-60 Kasatka while using TrackIR.

it woud be nice if u added extra crosshair for the weapons and left the hud to turn around with the view

May 9 2016, 11:29 PM · Arma 3