It would be nice for them to be able to designate a specific target, instead of whichever is closest\spotted first.
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May 10 2016
May 10 2016
The Naval Mine (Bottom) seems to be working fine for me, can you test again to be sure.
EDIT: After further testing the Bottom mine only damages vehicles\divers under the water, boats do not get damaged.
StevoAU added a comment to T68891: BIS_fnc_spawnGroup not working as intended (3rd parameter number).
Still broken and I think I know what is wrong.
In "fn_spawnGroup" it uses (on line 53)
if (_charsType == (typeName 0)) then
//Only a count was given, so ask this function for a good composition.
_types = [_side, _chars] call BIS_fnc_returnGroupComposition;
When deciding the units that will makeup the group
Looking into "fn_returnGroupComposition" all the units defined are A2 + OA units, eg. "USMC_Soldier_TL" or "TK_Soldier_SL_EP1" instead of the appropriate Arma 3 unit classnames
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