Thanks for creating this ticket for me Killzone. I was thinking, are there even any secondary weapon attachments? Wouldn't hurt to future proof the code and get everything on the same page either way.
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May 10 2016
Have any of you had issues with addWeaponGlobal not having a counterpart with the associated weaponitems? If I add addWeaponGlobal to server only code and have BE filters to kick for addWeaponGlobal the clients are fine. However I have found no way around having addPrimaryWeaponItem, addSecondaryWeaponItem and addHandgunItem only being able to be run on clients. While this is a small issue it means only having part of the toolkit necessary to restrict unwanted items client side. I didn't want to start another report since this one had similar issues but will if killzone feels it's out of scope.
I've been thinking a lot about some of these issues and have to settle on telling you guys to suck it up. Its meant to be annoying and meant to be such that YOU change your behaviors in order to not have to deal with it. It reminds of the old joke where a guy says to a doctor, "It hurts when I do this" and the doctor replies, "Then don't do that!". If these players were interested in not feeling nauseous or eye fatigue they would stop doing the things that lead to the blur effect causing it. I don't get sick from it but my head does get disjointed staring at it for too long. It took me about an hour of playing to realize that the ability to never see it again was entirely in my hands. I stopped trying to run for miles. I stopped loading a carryall with as much as I could. The worst part is, you guys are basically asking to remove one of the stronger reasons for paying attention to stamina so you can play the way you want. The only fix to this I would think is fair is to have your entire screen turn black. Once it begins, you either look away or see nothing if you aren't smart enough to work towards playing the game in a way that does not cause you pain.
This is not about being realistic its about limiting your ability to perform somehow as a sign of exhaustion. If they leave it in, there should be zero ability to turn it off unless the impact to a player's ability to aim, see enemies, etc is just as bad, (like turning contrast or brightness down). Asking for it to be gone altogether is fine, if enough people want this they should just get rid of it.