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May 9 2016

dustxstorm added a comment to T61059: Call of Duty.

Actually, the game isn't an arcade game at all, there are other games that include team work on large maps to battle with clan or not.

I mean there's not any game as close to a MILSIM than Arma. If devs implemented this rank system, or points and so on with unlocked classes, that would not fit with the current game aim.

I'm pretty sure that the negative votes amount will give you an overview on the "we don't want an arcade game".

May 9 2016, 10:40 PM · Arma 3
dustxstorm edited Steps To Reproduce on T60388: Reloading sound and animation of (HE 3GL) MX 3GL 6.5mm not synchronized.
May 9 2016, 9:43 PM · Arma 3