Upvoted. Now, with the following I don't want to whine about the game itself, nor absolutelyam I asking to casualize it like happens in other franchises. Still, fixing the AI is quite urgent. I understand that there is a difficulty option, but the enemy's super-awareness acts as a game breaker at any setting above 0.60, and still (regarless od the work underlying it) feels very clunky no matter the difficulty. Enemies can pinpoint moving targets from 400+ metres, seem to ignore lightning and vegetation and can use telepathy within 200 metres range. However, enemies seem quite confident of this as getting cover is the last of their priorities. The best response I had from pinned down enemies is them running in some poorly chosen direction and then stopping. In plain open field.
It is also worth noting that the supehuman skills of the enemy at long distance are somewhat "counterbalanced" by their utter lack of spirit in close quarters. Enemies will oblserve the most rigorous trigger discipline even when the player is at 40 meters from them, so that the player usually has plenty of time to reload. This becomes particularly ridiculous when turning around is involved, as this seems to put the poor enemy AI in crisis.
Such things are worthy of a B series FPS, certainly not of ArmA.
Finally, it may be lack of teamplay on my side but friendly AI has problems holding to their guts. I can hardly finish any mission (given I'm not the team leader) without my team being entirely wiped out.
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May 9 2016
May 9 2016
DoctorCorpus added a comment to T61847: AI has to high awareness and too high accuracy at long ranges.
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