Hello. I like/understand the point of the new Arma 3 Stamina system/update. It can make the game more immersive for the military sim units, however with wasteland, exile, epoch, and EVERY game mode out there including a fresh mission from the ground up the Arma 3 Stamina system is broken. And here's why. Firstly forceRotorLibSimulation = 0; you guys did good with this. How about an option that will allow us to do the same to turn off and on the advanced Arma 3 Stamina system at will as a server owner/coder? So instead of forcing it on everyone we can have an option to chose thus making more people happy.
player enableFatigue false;
player allowSprint true;
player forceWalk false;
player enableStamina false;
All these commands so that everyone is on the same page do not work. What I mean by this is I setup a from the ground up mission, and initialized those parameters in the init.sqf it did in fact NOT fix the issue with just coming to a complete stop almost of a walk when I was loaded with gear. So please BIS lets see ForceAdvancedStamina = 0 and/or 1; ASAP ;) {F27465}