Have been working on endurable MP missions that do not require frequent restarts. Recently found certain objects that builds up to large numbers over time and cannot be deleted or removed from the mission object space, via script commands. Their types are:
These objects are identified mainly via:
(allMissionObjects "") - (allMissionObjects "All")
Presume "EmptyDetector" types represent triggers. This is probably associated with creation of triggers on the client.
There are other minor issues that will be revealed by the reproduction code, such as, "man" objects that would normally be considered as trappable by (allMissionObjects "All"), but somehow, they are found in (allMissionObjects "") - (allMissionObjects "All").
Object deletion/removal strategies tested include deleteVehicle of the object and all objects found via nearestObjects [position object,[],1]. Executing on local, global and server fails to remove objects of types listed above.
Perhaps, this is an area that is lightly documented or I may have missed an important comment or note somewhere.