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Inconsistent behaviour of zoom in/out, zoom in/out toggle and zoom temporary controls
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Observed: Using the "zoom in", "zoom out", "zoom in toggle", "zoom out toggle" and "zoom temporary" controls currently creates different results, depending on the player's circumstances.

Expected: Using the zoom in, zoom out and zoom temporary should have the same result in all circumstances. The only time this should vary is when player is using an optical system that does not provide this ability.


Legacy ID
Additional Information

Tested in Dev build 1.07.112312

Player = soldier, unarmed, not using sights, and exterior view:
Zoom temporary = zooms in while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom In = zooms in while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom In Toggle = zooms in, retains zoom.
Zoom Out = zooms out while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom Out Toggle = zooms out, retains zoom.

Player = soldier, using basic 3D rifle optics (iron sights/ACO/under-barrel GL etc):
Zoom temporary = zooms in while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom In = zooms in while held, retains zoom when released.
Zoom In Toggle = zooms in, retains zoom.
Zoom Out = zooms out while held, returns to default when released.
!Zoom Out Toggle = zooms out, then returns to default (acts as Zoom Out).

Player = soldier, using stepped 2D zoom rifle/launcher optics (Titan launcher, DMS, SOS, etc):
Zoom temporary = does nothing.
Zoom In = zooms in one zoom level.
Zoom In Toggle = does nothing.
Zoom Out = zooms in one zoom level.
Zoom Out Toggle = does nothing.

Player = soldier, using 2D zoomable optics (Rangefinders):
Zoom temporary = zooms to max while held, returns to previous zoom level when released.
Zoom In = zooms in while held, retains zoom when released.
Zoom In Toggle = zooms in to max, retains zoom.
Zoom Out = zooms out while held, retains zoom when released.
Zoom Out Toggle = zooms out to max, retains zoom.

Player = Vehicle crew, using 2D zoomable optics (Marshall commander, Cheetah commander, Cheetah gunner, Panther driver, etc):
Zoom temporary = does nothing.
Zoom In = zooms in while held, retains zoom when released.
Zoom In Toggle = zooms in to max, retains zoom.
Zoom Out = zooms out while held, retains zoom when released.
Zoom Out Toggle = zooms out to max, retains zoom.
Using exterior view:
Zoom temporary = zooms in while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom In = zooms in while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom In Toggle = does nothing.
Zoom Out = zooms out while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom Out Toggle = does nothing.

Player = Vehicle crew, using 2D stepped optics (Marshall gunner, ):
Zoom temporary = does nothing.
Zoom In = zooms in one zoom level.
Zoom In Toggle = does nothing.
Zoom Out = zooms in one zoom level.
Zoom Out Toggle = does nothing.
Using exterior view:
Zoom temporary = does nothing.
Zoom In = zooms in while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom In Toggle = does nothing.
Zoom Out = zooms out while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom Out Toggle = does nothing.

Player = Vehicle crew, using 2D static optics (Marshall driver)
Zoom temporary = does nothing.
Zoom In = does nothing.
Zoom In Toggle = does nothing.
Zoom Out = does nothing.
Zoom Out Toggle = does nothing.
Using exterior view:
Zoom temporary = zooms in while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom In = zooms in while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom In Toggle = does nothing.
Zoom Out = zooms out while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom Out Toggle = does nothing.

Player = Vehicle passenger, first person view (Marshall passenger)
Zoom temporary = does nothing.
Zoom In = zooms in while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom In Toggle = does nothing.
Zoom Out = zooms out while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom Out Toggle = does nothing.
Using exterior view:
Zoom temporary = does nothing.
Zoom In = zooms in while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom In Toggle = does nothing.
Zoom Out = zooms out while held, returns to default when released.
Zoom Out Toggle = does nothing.

Event Timeline

ceeeb edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Nov 15 2013, 2:01 AM
ceeeb edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
ceeeb set Category to Controls.
ceeeb set Reproducibility to Always.
ceeeb set Severity to None.
ceeeb set Resolution to Fixed.
ceeeb set Legacy ID to 2156293025.May 7 2016, 5:25 PM
ceeeb edited a custom field.
ceeeb added a comment.Nov 15 2013, 2:56 AM

Related to #9029, #9173, #10511, #14272

+1 for zoom out toggle!

StJimmy added a subscriber: StJimmy.May 7 2016, 5:25 PM

Small thing but could this finally be fixed? It would be so much better to drive vehicle with zoom out view.

oukej added a comment.Jan 18 2015, 8:57 PM

Thank you for the report!

rangoon added a subscriber: rangoon.May 7 2016, 5:25 PM

Thanks for outlining this issue so well. Not sure if exactly my problem is included in the thorough description of this problem, but it is absolutely a part of this issue. I just posted in Troubleshooting, but found this issue here already posted. My common problem is that if I am infantry and have toggled zoom in, and then bring up the sights ("optics"), ACO, etc., the view is forced "zoom out". I then must toggle zoom in twice in order to get back to my zoom level. Also, if I release the sights and go back to "crosshair" I still have to toggle zoom in twice to get to a new zoomed-in state.

Another issue is that if I am in the gun's sights, then toggle zoom in, there is no way to zoom back out except for holding "zoom out" (can't toggle back out). My next step is always to go off sights, but then again I must toggle twice to get back to a zoomed-in state. It's very disorienting and, while it's predictable, feels very unpredictable in the heat of battle.

oukej added a comment.Sep 8 2015, 5:11 PM

This has been fixed during the early summer this year. Everything now should work as you'd expect.

Thank you for helping us improve the game!

StJimmy removed a subscriber: StJimmy.May 31 2016, 6:17 PM

This is reported as fixed, but it is not. The same behavior occurs:

Problem A:

  1. bring up optics
  2. zoom in with zoom toggle
  3. move out of optics (stays zoomed in, correctly)
  4. bring back optics and the view ZOOMS OUT without giving any such command

Problem B:

  1. bring up optics
  2. zoom in with zoom toggle
  3. zoom out with zoom toggle (DOES NOTHING)
  4. move out of optics, then the view finally zooms out

Problem C:

  1. zoom in with zoom toggle
  2. bring up optics and the view ZOOMS OUT without any command to do so

This is very disorienting behavior and is still not fixed.

Same with zoom out toggle, it works until you aim down sights. As soon as you do that, the zoom resets.
Also, while aiming down sights, zoom out toggle button does nothing (the view doesn't zoom out).

This behaviour makes it pretty unusable, and could really use a fix.

Additionally, the zoom in and zoom out toggle conflict with each other.
For example, the sequence: zoom in toggle, zoom out toggle, either zoom in or zoom out will cause unexpected behavior (zoom out toggle will not go back to normal, and zoom in toggle will not zoom in at all).

Additionally, raising the weapon while zoomed will disable the zoom toggle view, but keep the internal state set, so you have to toggle zoom in twice in order to get zoomed back in this situation. This is very common issue and extremely annoying for players using the toggle zoom in key.