I noticed some bugs with the mortar mk6 weapon that prevents me from correctly integrating it into my mission:
- bug 1: if [BLUE/OPFOR/EAST] mk6 is disassembled, then assembled, the newly assembled mortar is no longer referenced by the variable that referenced the mortar before it was disassembled (there problem does not occur with the west Mk6 mortar)
- bug 2: also concerns east mk6 mortar, after this weapon is disassembled then reassembled the newly assembled mortar has the same model as the west mk6 mortar, if a west player destroys this newly assembled eastern mk6 mortar it loses score points because the weapon is considered to be on west side and not on east side as expected
- bug 3: also concerning east mk6 mortar only, if this weapon is reassembled in multiplayer game, the JIP players will see 2 east mk6: one on the initial position and the one that was reassembled; the player that reassembled the mortar before the JIP player joined cannot see the second mk6 in the initial position
- bug 4: concerns both mk6: the "weapondisassembled" event handler does not trigger when the mk6 is disassembled {F19844}