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Snakes can open doors!!!
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Just saw a snake going towards a house. It stopped at the door, then the door magically opened, it waited a second or two then entered the house LMAO!


Legacy ID
Operating System
Windows 7
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce

Just a freak accident I suppose.

Event Timeline

Killzone_Kid edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Killzone_Kid set Category to AI Issues.
Killzone_Kid set Reproducibility to N/A.
Killzone_Kid set Severity to None.
Killzone_Kid set Resolution to Duplicate.
Killzone_Kid set Legacy ID to 250518219.May 7 2016, 2:02 PM
ceeeb added a subscriber: ceeeb.May 7 2016, 2:02 PM

Duplicate of #1077

Khan added a subscriber: Khan.May 7 2016, 2:02 PM
Khan added a comment.May 10 2013, 9:52 AM

We are very sorry, this issue was closed as duplicate.

You can monitor this issue's progress here #1077

BIS_fnc_KK edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
BIS_fnc_KK set Operating System to Windows 7.
BIS_fnc_KK removed BIS_fnc_KK as the assignee of this task.Dec 28 2024, 3:13 PM
BIS_fnc_KK reopened this task as Feedback.
BIS_fnc_KK added a subscriber: BIS_fnc_KK.

Revision: 152534 snakes wont open the doors anymore (there is mission option to revert to legacy behaviour) Other animals will still open doors

dedmen closed this task as a duplicate of T59444: Snakes can open doors.Jan 6 2025, 4:27 PM