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Suggestion to allow enemy player names to remain hidden when they are talking nearby in proximity chat
Feedback, NormalPublic


Game Version number: >
Modded?: No (Yes/No)

**Issue Description: Directly relates to T187220 .
I heard that it is a requirement from Sony that enemy player names must be visible when talking, for reporting purposes.
What if there instead was a button in the pause menu something like "Report ongoing voice communication" which would for example capture all voice chat (that the reporting player would be able to hear) 1 minute before, and 1 minute following, clicking the report button. Then you can review it AFTER the match has finished, and select the offending player, whose name will only be visible in this recording and not in the actual live match.
Possibly you could have some program which can listen to that recorded voice communication and convert it to text, which could then be analyzed by AI or something. Don't know about the reliability of that or how it would work.
Maybe this recording could also be saved to the selected user as well, in order to trace their history and also in case of appeals, you can just manually review this recording.
This function would also make it easy to also report people who immediately leave after saying something "dumb". In the current system, they just leave before being voted out.

Thoughts on something like this? Pros/cons? Legal? Possible?**

@kawalec @PR9INICHEK


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

byNautiic updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 19 2025, 1:13 PM

GDPR casually walks in

GDPR casually walks in

Booooring, fake news.
How come game clips can capture in-game voice audio then, is it not the same thing? Storing voice chat, I mean? I guess I'll have to read about it.

How come game clips can capture in-game voice audio then, is it not the same thing?

simple - youre end user, not the developer.
YOU can record yourself however you want, but random stranger has to get permission n stuff.

How come game clips can capture in-game voice audio then, is it not the same thing?

simple - youre end user, not the developer.
YOU can record yourself however you want, but random stranger has to get permission n stuff.

Wouldn't they just need to update the terms & conditions though..? With one of those big fancy ACCEPT buttons at the bottom.
Also, what I was talking about was for example YouTube videos where you can hear / see random enemy players talking. Isn't that the same, storing their voice unknowingly? I don't think those enemy players are explicitly consenting to be recorded, is what I mean.

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 22 2025, 11:17 AM

Wow, I didn't know it was actually a thing. I don't see it in the Xbox menu on mine...
Also, if it is in-game, it works for all platforms