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FindFile not working on Linux Server
Assigned, UrgentPublic


I recently had someone reporting a problem with my mods, which I have never seen before. After investigating, I found out he was running the DayZ Server on Linux and the problem was, that user json files could not be loaded from a folder. The whole folder would be scanned and all files should be loaded by my mod and the problem was, that FindFile would never return a valid FileHandle even when changing the permissions of the folder to 777 and trying some more possible fixes


Operating System
Linux x64
Steps To Reproduce

Install a DayZ Server on Linux, create a folder in the profiles folder, add some files in there and try to use

string filename;
FileAttr attrs;
FileHandle handle = FindFiles("$profile:TestFolder/*", filename, attrs, FineFileMode.ANY);
if (handle == 0) Error("Could not open folder");
Print("Found: " + filename);
while (FindNextFile(handle, filename, attr))
    Print("Found: " + filename);

Event Timeline

LBmaster created this task.Jun 9 2024, 6:09 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jun 10 2024, 10:48 AM
Geez assigned this task to dedmen.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.
dedmen added a comment.EditedJul 28 2024, 10:17 AM

I think this should be fixed in 1.26 too.
I actually never saw this issue during any of my testing so its a bit confusing.

This is the final test script that also QA will use to confirm the fix

void TestFindFiles(string path)
	string fileName;
	FileAttr fileAttr;
	FindFileHandle findFileHandle = FindFile(path, fileName, fileAttr, 0);
	if (findFileHandle) {
		bool isValid = true;
		while (isValid) {
			if (fileName.Length() > 0) {
			isValid = FindNextFile(findFileHandle, fileName, fileAttr);
		CloseFindFile( findFileHandle );

In my tests, this script even worked before any of the fixes. And FindNextFile cannot work without a handle (Internally its a pointer to a structure that holds all context)

Maybe only the $profile doesn't work? could that be it?

lava76 added a subscriber: lava76.Jul 29 2024, 10:40 AM

Maybe it's the if (handle == 0) check that makes it fail? Could a valid (non-NULL) FindFileHandle be implicitly cast to a zero int by this comparison, thus making it fail?

meteors added a subscriber: meteors.EditedNov 25 2024, 7:29 AM

Affected by this issue on our Ubuntu 24.04 systems on AMD hardware. A resolution or workaround would be greatly appreciated.