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Control "Select long/short-range radio" not working
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The game has a control for Select long/short-range radio that can be found and changed in Settings->Controls->Common and under there in the Communication section.

By default the control is not assigned and thus it needs to be assigned. Assigning the control to any free/available key and then testing it in-game reveals that seemingly nothing happens when pressing the assigned key.

Is the key not working currently or is there some specific use-case or prerequisites for when it will "only" work?
As an end-user and looking only from the control's display name (Select long/short-range radio), I would say that I should be able to quickly switch between the active radio (either short or long-range). Is this the case?

But there's also another question regarding this control and the question is that what is it for? It seems that currently the control doesn't work but if it did then how it is intended to be used? As the display name implies you use it to select between short/long-rage radio and then what? Do you then broadcast through the selected radio with Talk over radio (hold) control?


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
22H2 (OS build 19045.3930)
Steps To Reproduce
  • In Controls settings assign a new key for the following control: Select long/short-range radio
  • Go in-game and be sure to have a long-range (backpack) radio for your character on top of a short range radio
  • Proceed to test the control by pressing the key you assigned for the control. Notice that nothing happens on key-press
Additional Information

I recorded a video for where it can be seen that I'm assigning a key also for the Select long/short-range radio control. While I'm mainly testing the issue I reported to the other ticket I'm also testing a few times the Select long/short-range radio control. You can see the video here:

In the video:

  • assigning a key for the Select long/short-range radio control at 0:29
  • Testing the control at 1:35, 1:40 and 2:24

Event Timeline

Asmodeus created this task.Feb 14 2024, 5:16 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Feb 15 2024, 11:42 AM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jul 26 2024, 1:49 PM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Asmodeus.
This will be resolved for the next major update.

The control seems to sort of work even now, BUT you first need to use the push to talk button and have the short range radio already selected (which it is by default) and then change between short and long range radio, but that cannot be the intended function.

I did notice another anomaly in communication options, and that is that there is no similar toggle for long range radio that there is for local talk and short range radio. Maybe that is intentional so the long range platoon radio would not be flooded accidentally. It can be done, but not with just one button/combo.

And as for what the original question's selection is for, I answered this a while back in steam discussion, but the discussion is no longer visible so here are the main points

Question. Could someone please kindly explain the difference between:

  1. Talk (hold)
  2. Talk over radio (hold)
  3. Push-to-talk
  4. Toggle voice

under the "Common" controls group.

I understand that "Talk (hold)" refers to communicating to a nearby team member (i.e. local voice), whilst "Talk over radio (hold) refers to communicating via radio (i.e. channel chat). How how do these differ from 3 & 4.

Answer. 1 and 2 both select their assigned channel and transmit voice as long as you hold the button down. 3 transmits (talks) on the channel you have previously selected (in this sense direct talk is a channel) as long as you hold the button down ( there is two more choices right under it in the settings that make the channel selection between direct talk/radio talk and short range radio/long range radio but pressing those does not send transmissions) and 4 means that first push opens the channel, second push closes the channel.

So it is just a different style of control, either you use button that both selects a channel and transmits on that channel or just one button that transmits and channel selection is done separately. And also between holding button down to transmit and one press to start transmitting, second press to stop transmitting.

And as you can see the defaults are set in a way that half are set for keyboard and half for controller. You can set them differently too, you can have both keyboard and controller command for talk over radio (hold) for example.

speedwaystar added a subscriber: speedwaystar.EditedJul 27 2024, 3:47 PM

the intent here is for squad leaders to have a short range radio to communicate with fire teams, and a long-range radio to communicate with platoon-level leaders. the ability to switch between two radios is obviously of little use in Conflict, but is very important for organized milsim PVE units. in ArmA 3, a different keybind is used to talk on each radio, which is simple and intuitive. Reforger has to work with console controllers, so unfortunately we seem to be stuck with a convoluted and clunky workaround involving multiple key presses and keybinds.