Situation: there is the GetIn EH attached to one of the land vehicles. Inside the EH code, I want to check the unit side (for example, to change vehicle's owner):
params ["_unit", "_role", "_vehicle", "_turret"];
if (side _unit == WEST) then {...}
Sometimes, when vehicle to which the EH was attached, is destroyed with bomb/missile, the game throws a log error:
Error side: Тип Число, ожидался Объект,Группа,Location (Type is Number, expecting Object, Group, Location)
I've checked the _vehicle param, and it is, for example, 3.03861
The vehicle itself has tow additional objects attached to it (to make it targetable, objects are based on I_TargetSoldier class).
Once vehicles destroyed, the script removes crew from those attached objects, removes objects themselves, and attaches the vehicle wreck to an invisible object (to keep the correct wreck height).
Seems like for vehicles without attached objects all works as expected.