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[Feature Request] Make Line tool on map show the lenght of the line in meters / kilometers
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Simple request, the red line tool on the map should show the length of the drawn line in meters (under 1000 meters) and in Kilometers (over 1000meters)


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Feature Request
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violent_pancake changed Category from General to Feature Request.
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Dec 1 2022, 3:11 PM

don't see a reason to do it. You've got map Tools to measure the distance between 2 points

There is a protractor available, but that cannot be rotated (unless I missed something) so you can't measure diagonal lines accurately, so there is value in this request. I sometimes use a real ruler held up to the screen as a workaround.

You can rotate the protractor with shift. But it only measures distance out to 1000 meters at a time. Why not make it easier? Or add the shift-click waypoint from ArmA 3

make a line where you have the 1k mark, measure further, next mark etc... why make it casual?

make a line where you have the 1k mark, measure further, next mark etc... why make it casual?

Because it's a game and the vanilla version is supposed to be easy.

Mods can make it more difficult.