Would be neat if it was possible to change the mouse cursor type/weapon cross-hair type via scripting.
setCursorType "path/to/some.paa" setCursorType ["path/to/some.paa", <forced>]
Where path would be a path to image file and forced would be boolean to force it shown regardless of weapon cross-hair setting.
Assuming this would require some eachframe event to run:
_ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["mouseEnter", { eh1 = _ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["mouseMoving", { setCursorType "a3\3den\Data\CfgWrapperUI\Cursors\3denTransformScale0_ca.paa"; }]; eh2 = _ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["mouseHolding", { setCursorType "a3\3den\Data\CfgWrapperUI\Cursors\3denTransformScale0_ca.paa"; }]; }; _ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["mouseExit", { (_this #0) ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["mouseMoving", eh1]; (_this #0) ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["mouseHolding", eh2]; }]; addMissionEventHandler ["eachFrame", { if (currentWeapon player == "SomeWeapon") then { setCursorType ["a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\WeaponCursors\laserdesignator_gs.paa", true]; }; }];