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Feature: Add CE types override for cfgeventspawns in cfgeconomycore.xml
Assigned, NormalPublic


Feature Request:

This page lists the available overrides for files when editing the cfgeconomycore.xml file:
DayZ:Central Economy mission files modding

Currently you can split off mod additions for the following files to keep things tidy/easy to update:

  • types.xml
  • spawnabletypes.xml
  • globals.xml
  • economy.xml
  • events.xml
  • messages.xml

Request you also add a way to override/include mod additions for the cfgeventspawns.xml file, so any mods that deal with spawn locations which have to be set in this file, can also have their own seperated modded files included in the same way as above.

Many of us like to keep mod files seperated from the main server files to keep things clean when adding and removing mods.
The CE addition in economycore.xml is a godsend for us, as we can create our own folders and seperate the config files easily.

One of the files seems to have been overlooked/isn't documented, and I'd like that to be added to the mission file modding feature that is already present.

If this file can already be included, can you please tell me the type it's assigned to?
I've tried both "eventspawns" and "eventposdef" as file types, but neither seem to work.

	<ce folder="ModFiles/ModName">
		<file name="cfgeventspawns.xml" type="eventposdef" />
		<file name="cfgeventspawns.xml" type="eventspawns" />

It may also be an idea to expose overrides for some of the other config files there too, in case they are needed.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

mrdarn created this task.Oct 10 2021, 3:14 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Oct 11 2021, 11:23 AM
mrdarn added a comment.Nov 4 2021, 3:20 PM

I don't see this added to the latest expie patch, despite there being work on configs. It seems like a perfect time to make the adjustments.

Could we also have the new config types able to be included seperately whilst someone is in that part of the code?

  • cfggameplay.json
  • cfgweather.xml

Loving the work you guys are putting in!
Extend my thanks to the development team!

and since it's been a while, we need cfgeventgroups.xml

mrdarn added a comment.Jan 4 2023, 4:14 AM

Another little bump to save me remaking the suggestion.

  • I'd love a CE (cfgeconomycore.xml) addition for cfgeventspawns.xml file please :)

(The one that utalises this setup guide: )

reason: Many people are now splitting all of their mods setup files so updates don't override them.
being able to split out entries for cfgeventspawns would help keep those entries from being overridded on game updates too.

Thanks for all the great work last year! The game is in it's best state ever for me <3

AGT added a subscriber: AGT.Jun 9 2023, 11:29 PM

Agreed with above.

Being able to use CE would make life so much easier for server admins, especially when it comes to adding custom items to the economy :)

Well, I ended up here as well. Pretty please with sugar on top.


<ce folder="ModFiles/ModName">

		<file name="cfgeventgroups.xml" type="eventgroups"/>
		<file name="cfgeventspawns.xml" type="eventspawns"/>

       OR more probably accurately

                 <file name="cfgeventgroups.xml" type="eventgroupdef"/>
		<file name="cfgeventspawns.xml" type="eventposdef"/>


Thank you in advance nice, good people. thanks again..........

Hello, need to push this up again to try the devs finally implement this stuff.

and they also can implement to add all types of modded xml in economycore.xml by the way
i mean this ticket is from 2021 and still unheard.