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DayZ Lags me out of server then Locks my character constantly! Literally Unplayable!
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Stop Locking Characters in database when DayZ is the reason we get kicked from server! I am trying to run around and survive when I get the error message then I get kicked out of the server, when I go to rejoin the server I was on or join a different server my character is locked and I don’t get to play. This happens in every server I have joined and I have to wait minutes sometimes hours before I can play again. I paid for this game and yet DayZ Locks my character making it unplayable when they’re the reason I got kicked from the server. DayZ Take out the Locking character function of this game because it is ruining it for everyone. I have followed this game since the beginning, I am a DayZ fan which is lucky for DayZ because if I wasn’t a hardcore fan of the game I would have deleted it within the hour. Either fix your servers, get rid of the locking character function or you will lose players VERY quickly because your game is broken.


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
Xbox One
Steps To Reproduce

Play on any server in the game. You will get kicked and your character will be locked making the game unplayable.

Additional Information

Locking characters is ruining this game and needs to be removed or players will remove themselves from your fan base and remove your game from their systems and destroy it.

Event Timeline

Are the serves still down on Xbox ?

They should be back online again.

"The update should be online now, and servers are also coming online. If you’re not seeing the update, please give it a while or try restarting your Xbox! Couple more days without inventory hording, but we can power through Survivors!"
DayZ Twitter - 3 hours ago

Are the serves still down on Xbox ?

Geez edited projects, added DayZ Xbox; removed DayZ.Sep 6 2018, 10:27 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Sep 6 2018, 12:13 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Jumping_Wolf and thank you for the report.
We are aware that there are problems with the character locking at the moment and we are working on getting the servers fixed so the issue no longer occurs.

Imhimthefatman added a subscriber: Imhimthefatman.EditedSep 7 2018, 12:48 AM

Me and my mate has problems on xbox where we load up dayz and it shuts our xbox off completely (separate consoles) please fix

Geez added a comment.Sep 7 2018, 3:30 PM

Me and my mate has problems on xbox where we load up dayz and it shuts our xbox off completely (separate consoles) please fix

Hello Imhimthefatman.
Please create a separate ticket and include as much details about the issue as possible.

Hi geez
How do I create separate tickets new to all this

Geez added a comment.Sep 10 2018, 12:25 PM

Hi geez
How do I create separate tickets new to all this

Hello Imhimthefatman.
On top of the page there is a star icon in the upper right corner of the top bar, if you click on it several forms appear. Select the "New DayZ Xbox Bug " form and fill in all the required information. Make sure to include as much information as possible so the issue can be resolved.

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