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RC 1.82 - Switching optics in the new vehicle interiors can lock the optics view max zoomed-in
Need More Info, NormalPublic


In the RC of 1.82 using the Default controls, it is possible to inadvertently lock the optics view into max-zoom, unable to restore normal zoom.
Since you can now zoom inside the new vehicle interiors, when you are too quick on your clicks or accidentally click twice when switching optics view, the view will be locked into max zoomed-in mode and the weapon might be difficult to operate.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Version 1709
Steps To Reproduce

In the Default control set, "Optics"->Mouse2, "Zoom Temporary"->Mouse2.
Get into a vehicle's gunner position. (E.g. the AWC 301 Nyx)
Switch optics with a click on Mouse2 and upon release of the mouse button, immediately Hold Mouse2 down again.

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Vitdom created this task.Mar 19 2018, 11:34 AM
Wulf changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Mar 20 2018, 2:13 PM
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.


I tested this in our Dev branch and I am unable to reproduce this issue. The view never locks in the zoom. Could you please test this in the Dev branch if the issue persists? If it does then please make a video, I need to see how exactly you are triggering it.

Thank you.

Lex added a subscriber: Lex.EditedMar 20 2018, 3:08 PM

@Wulf It is an old problem, is reproduced

Vitdom edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Mar 20 2018, 3:58 PM
Lex added a comment.EditedMar 20 2018, 4:35 PM

I did the ticket for this problem too.
But there is a ticket of 2013
The problem is reproduced on any riflescope where there is a smooth change of zoom. On the riflescope where there is a step-by-step change of zoom, the problem isn't reproduced.

I have closed the ticket as the duplicate, and has placed the comments in the early ticket.