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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 7:02 PM (628 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
A dynamic light needs dynamic shadows to properly obscure it. The graphical engine currently has no dynamic shadows, and is not likely to get them. An entirely new graphical engine has been talked about briefly in the past, but this is a huge task and requires separating the game from the renderer. The two are currently tied up in each other, as that how it has always been in Arma.
Street lights are static and so do not need dynamic shadows to avoid shining through other static objects like walls.
Rocket's comments on this limitation with the renderer:
Replacing the renderer is something that's going to happen eventually, but there's no telling if dynamic shadows will be part of it, due to performance concerns.
Definitely not impossible, and the fact that Arma hasn't fixed this is no indication that it won't be fixed, because DayZ is not following the Arma development patterns at all, and Arma has never completely replaced their renderer. I shouldn't use the word "fixed" since it isn't a bug, simply a result of not having dynamic shadows. Dynamic shadows were simply not something BIS deemed worth the performance hit for Arma 3. If Rocket and his team can find a way to balance it in the new renderer, there's a good chance it will be in.
The title sounds pretty clear to me. Especially after reading the description.
I would imagine the reason behind the downvotes is that people think other issues are more important than this. Operating on the assumption that an issue with a higher ratio of upvotes to downvotes will get a higher priority from BIS.
Still desperately need this for certain missions. Please BIS :(
May 9 2016
In the meantime, you can use a browser extension/plugin such as Stylebot for Chrome to inject this bit of CSS:
- {text-shadow: none;}