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- User Since
- Jun 23 2013, 7:21 AM (610 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
With the RC patch from yesterday, my ArmA runs smooth as sill. On Altis I experienced rock textures to change even when close, but not sure if that was before. Settings are as in my last screenshots.
User tortuosit here, cannot login with that account any more... :-(
There are also problems with setwind array:
- setWind [10, 10]: No change of wind. The third argument (force direction) seems to be mandatory.
- setWind [10, 10, false]: Wind strong at first, but goes down to zero after maybe 2 seconds.
- setWind [10, 10, true]: Wind works. But with true, direction is not dynamic.
Also wind vector values should be limited to like 12 beaufort, i.e. ~30m/s.
[n setGusts [0-1]]:
Does it work at all? I see no effect.
Another observation: If you do
setwind [10,10,true];
1000 setwindstr 0;
the wind immediately stops with the second command, i.e. you won't see the strong wind set first.
My workaround currently is to use a moderate setwind array at init and then keep the windstr always =>0.01.
I avoid using setwind array in scripting. It can create stronger wind, BUT can never change seemless.
Related. setovercast timing broken.
May 9 2016
SETOVERCAST Timing is broken IMO.
Start at 1, then use "0 setovercast 0":
0 setovercast 1; forceweatherchange;
0 setovercast 0;
Result: Overcast consistently goes down. It has reached the level of 0.9 in 280 seconds.
Now lets try to tell setovercast exactly what was measured above:
0 setovercast 1; forceweatherchange;
280 setovercast 0.9;
Result: After 17 Minutes I skipped the process. The overcast level is at 0.96 at this point. The process does take ultra long and not the expected 280 seconds.
Also see Meatballs measures: