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- Apr 30 2013, 6:44 PM (619 w, 8 h)
May 10 2016
To say that units all go through the same training is a bit off in my opinion. IRL you have a small percent (app 10%) that are combat units, while the vast majority are support soldiers. Then within that tenish percent there are those that have seen combat and those that haven't, and also some have had different specialized training.
That aside, I was more just suggesting that there shouldn't just be one skill lvl for all AI as it is unrealistic in my eyes.
I like your idea about the dampening of abilities if you move out of your selected slot while in game. You should start a thread about that.
That would be from the higher pitch of the engine being able to carry farther. It also would depend on the ATV. While any engine revved up is going to make a significant noise compared to an idling one, my point was that they kind of went overboard in game.
Wow did you really just say that?! First of all its a HMMWV not a humvee, and I doubt you have been around one if you think you have to shout when it's turned on. Yes there is a difference between the purpose of vehicles in the civilian or military sector. However, besides and 88 (which is a mechanic tank) I have never had to shout or scream around a running vehicle.
Yes you probably wouldn't hear much of the environment, but you would probably hear a lot more wind on the ATV than the engine per my experience. As for the other vehicles you would probably hear no environment at all but the engine would definitely not be as loud as the game portrays. In any case you would hear gun fire (within a reasonable distance) no matter the vehicle.
no not remove it, but do something to dull it after a certain time period or break up the monotony of waaaaa-waaaa-waaaa-waaaaa-waaaa-waaaaa-waaaa-waaaaa-waaaa-waaaaa. I personally get really tired of hearing it from one side of the island to the next.
Okay yea I can see that on your first time out the wire, but definitely not in a tactical environment. That was what the tracers were for when we rolled, so that we would reload prior to expending all ammunition so the bolt assembly step was never an issue. As you point out it endangers your life, in any adrenaline based situation, the simpler the better.
You are correct about full mags jam more mwnciboo, we had to keep mags oiled, once a week we had to unload all of our mags and re-stretch the spring. However, I fail to see what that has to do with a tactical reload. Also the only difference in a tactical reload and any other reload (as I have been taught) is the context, i.e. in a firefight. And tactical reloads usually are very fast as you don't lower your weapon. I'm really uncertain of what you're talking about reloading twice. A person would perform a tactical reload whenever there is a lull in a battle to make sure they had a full magazine. I don't know if you read the link that you posted but that guy even explains what the different types of reloads fairly clearly,
Also just to correct the tracer myth. You can load a magazine or belt up with nothing but tracers and have absolutely no issues. All a tracer is, is a round with phosphorus or magnesium at the end of the projectile. Normally we would always put a three tracers in our magazines, one at 15, one at 10 and one at 5 rounds left so that we knew we needed to reload.
Also to Death, if your magazine was empty your reload would be slower as once you loaded the new magazine you would have to ride the bolt forward which at least on the M4 could be awkward if not experienced (not sure where the bolt release is on the other game weapons). It was always advised to reload prior to emptying your magazine that way it was simple as grab new mag, drop old mag, load new mag, place old mag in pocket or vest and carry on.
In RL you never want to drop your mag on the ground. They make drop bags that velcro to your belt or you use your cargo pocket. I think if something like this was implemented it would be useful and then maybe make a setting (if not to complicated) so a user could choose that if a mag has x amount of ammo or less to put it in the drop bag so you don't do a reload and get one round. Or do it like America's Army did and whenever you reloaded it automatically chose the fullest mag first and worked its way down that way.
May 9 2016
Voted down. Not getting into the stupid women's rights debate. I personally feel that having mixed genders will only lead to favoritism and harassment issues as I've seen on other games that offer both. It also leads to creepy guys that pick the chick and try to do... creepy things. I think it will take away from the game, your sn should be enough to identify your sex if you so choose to be identified
Voted down. I'm new to Arma so I do not have the Arma 2 reference to go off of. I know that in the military we are required to wear safety glasses at all times in theater; therefore, the sun is not an issue. I believe that if a 'blinding sun' is to be implemented then measures to combat it i.e. sun glasses also need to be added.