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- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 5:32 AM (587 w, 15 h)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
tortorella85 added a comment to T100427: Melee does not work until relog, after spamming it for a short period..
Had this issue three times and died two times because I couldn't fight back relogging fixed the other time. As a survival game that you can't fight to survive I would say game braking bug.
tortorella85 added a comment to T97818: After killing a player cannot use their weapon/aim down sights..
Friend blew himself up at the gas station by accident on experimental last night. When I went to get the longhorn of his body and use it later this happened.
tortorella85 added a comment to T96076: Movements and interactions seemed to be more fluent, but with less client fps than before patch(March 7 2014)..
I did check my .cfg and profile folders. The only thing that changed was sceneComplexity which I changed back to sceneComplexity=100000. Will test with that after work.
tortorella85 added a comment to T88593: Cannot use text in direct chat.
Yes he was standing right in front of me, I could see his but he couldn't see mine.
tortorella85 edited Steps To Reproduce on T88593: Cannot use text in direct chat.