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- Mar 11 2013, 12:33 AM (625 w, 21 h)
May 10 2016
Hilarious but true! Also related to AI blindness at close range -- please upvote this one as well.
May 9 2016
I agree with this - we need some way to mantle over obstacles to truly utilize this amazing new world in Arma3 - Think of BF3 which does this to perfection.
The issue, although vastly improved since I first reported it in March, has not been totally fixed.
All vehicles could use a little more mass.
The problem is more pronounced when you travel faster than 50kph. I realize that increasing physics calls may be too costly, but maybe increasing the gravity coefficient or something will simulate more mass.
CPL_HICKS, that ticket deals with simulated friction when the vehicle is on the ground. This ticket is about simulating gravity properly, to convince the player that their vehicle has weight and mass.
BuddyCasino - the video you posted does give some examples of floaty, slo-mo physics, but I do not think that turning up the framerate of whatever functions are being used by the physix api would be a good solution given the potential amount of calls that would have their framerates increased. just a guess.
I know that this will be worked on when the critical bugs are dealt with, I just wanted to make sure that it gets top priority now that Arma3 is using physics middleware! Rubber tanks should be banned from this game now that BI has the chance to deal with vehicle physics properly.
This is as important to immersion as the mid-range grass/terrain issue
Effete_Denizen, removing physics is not an option, the system can be tweaked to reflect actual weight of vehicles.
I hope that when we see armored in the beta they will not ping pong around like styrofoam objects as in Arma2! Tanks are heavy!
Please give us weight, BI, the new physics system begs for it!
I would love to be able to choose grass rendering distance! This is a PC game, so why not? I would much rather play in a more realistic environment, and if my machine has the power then I want to use it!
Playing single player I always max out grass, and even in MP Arma2, I select grass display in settings when playing Dom.
Give us the option and perhaps, as the OP suggests, provide a low-cost solution for grass 200+ meters away. The ground looks barren and naked without it.