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- Jun 2 2019, 2:23 AM (301 w, 1 d)
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Feb 26 2020
You are retarded if you think someone can steal your acc over some dayz server sorry bro. This has nothing to do with dayz, contact Playstation support not dayz bug forum. And use 2 factory authentification ffs and change your password as any smart guy would do in your case.
You are never going to get your gun or anything you lost to a bug back. Remember that.
Feb 15 2020
Any updates on this?
Jan 29 2020
Nov 15 2019
This issue still wasn’t fixed lol
This. It’s bugged but you can equip it when in hands and pressing triangle.
Also have this issue on PS4
I also don’t like the fact that after 2 weeks playing and going through military loot all I could find were attachments to high end weapons. I think it’s not fair and balanced properly.
Jun 11 2019
Jun 5 2019
I found a car and enter was total dark for a while like for 2 minutes and then again I could see nothing else happend so I just fast got out of that piece of junk..I knew it was bugged game, but like that for 50 bucks...u gotta be kidding me
Jun 3 2019
If you mean PU scope I hope it’s usable, because I am searching for it too and I would be mad if it wouldn’t work.
I am sorry to hear you have troubles man. Yeah it’s true, even on EU servers which there are many of them I got queue often. They have small amount of servers that’s for sure and what is worse there is no option to rent your own, just for you community. Hope they are reading this and can get us some better experience. I mean for 50€ I should get AAA experience, which I am not getting in ANY way, but this game is still fun playing with my buddy, so I will let them slide this time. Until something really piss me off.
Also when you have scope equiped and showin, it takes time until it renders the enviroment through the scope.
I don’t understand what you mean. On public DayZ servers there is always a day/night cycle. Around 3 hours its day, and for around 1 hour its night.
True comment. Agree with you.
The thing is, other players could also have lockpick or just crowbar to get in, so it’s just not gonna stop them anyway.
This is questionable as the loot could have been taken by another player. Also you should state how you died.
Jun 2 2019
You preform power attack with holding triangle on dualsock.
Agree this issue is well known
Agree, would love server for our local community!
Not a bug, when its night, its dark as there are usually not any source of light. It’s annoying but it is how it is. You can always use flare you have in your inv when you spawns.
Got this too. After I restored licences all my digital games got locked. What solved it for me was deactivating my ps4 as primary and then activating again.
This isn’t a bug I guess. Many other games allow voice chat after death.
True, we have also this problem csn confirm.
Agree, you have to spam 3 keys in a loop for a while until you take all the things from the container to the new container for example.
Agree I was thinking about this too. Please fix.