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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 1:01 AM (585 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
sleuny edited Steps To Reproduce on T90282: still hungry/thirsty after getting force feeded.
sleuny added a comment to T88686: Micro stutter every few minutes.
same here, something with ne network bubble, maybe?
sleuny added a comment to T87302: random VOIP sidechat ?.
Duplicate of 246 [^]
sleuny edited Steps To Reproduce on T87302: random VOIP sidechat ?.
sleuny added a comment to T87217: Cannot change character model.
Yesterday was the same for me.
Did u died after the character changes?
Today i was like yesterday a black skinned woman.
After a server change (did not died before) i spawed as my choosen character, but as freshspawn. (Loosing all my gear and position)
sleuny added a comment to T87173: Flashlight shines through walls.
Yeah ....
First time i saw it tought a lighttower is near.
sleuny added a comment to T86666: Massive FPS drop when looking into city..
i7 2600k @ 4,5GHz with Hyperthreading activated.
Gigabyte Windforce GTX 770 3X OC
Crucial M400 128GB SSD
Windows 8.1 64bit
Cherno about 22-28fps
Outside 50-60fps
sleuny added a comment to T86426: Zub castle placement too high.
added some Screenshots