User Details
- User Since
- Feb 1 2017, 8:07 AM (425 w, 5 d)
Jul 9 2020
Jun 1 2020
2020 and not fixed yet
May 12 2020
May 2020, Still not fixed.
Apr 7 2017
Apr 6 2017
soon with sensors update.. AAs with radar will be less likely to be detected and counter them when they pass the area.
Feb 8 2017
Alwin, Korean input in arma 3 is indeed supported. Some of my friends really don't have any issue using korean in game in full screen mode. But some others exprerience the BUG. This can be fixed and if this is not solvable in feedback site, what's this site for? As a loyal player of arma 3(I Bought all the DLCs in normal price) If this is not solved, I must be very disappointed.
Feb 4 2017
Feb 2 2017
I changed language in Launcher.
And the problem is 100% reproducible for me and some other friends. But also others dont experience it.
And I use laptop so I don't have a cable beteween monitor and computer.
Reinstalling didn't help.
When I try to use korean I see the small window showing what I'm typing on the top left side of the screen. and screen goes to window mode.
What I want is not forced window mode. So I disabled it.