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- User Since
- May 25 2014, 11:17 PM (556 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
I confirm that "error". Thing is, the script really does what it is supposed to, but that no entry error occurs as soon as I run it for the first time (has lots of iskindof and typeof "smokeshell" in it.. I recognized it on July 28th for the first time. Since Adam´s post is from 21st and there have been several updates inbetween I doubt that it works with the DEV branch - and YES of course ths is part of one of the mods i made
yep..exactly what i wanted..thanks kid
which you all knew of course..since it says resolved up there..(facepalm).. guess it´s bedtime
to explain that a little: I used waypoint commands to set the to safe.. giving the result I described in my last comment.. now I additionally use this on those units: _grp = group _unit; _grp setBehaviour "SAFE";
> works like a charme .. they all lower their weapons they way they should ;)
one year later the problem still occurs. it seems to be rather random..if i spawn 10 units in safe mode..maybe one will have his weapon lowered..on restart the same unit under the same conditions doesn´t...?!