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- User Since
- Jan 26 2015, 9:33 AM (529 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
rachii edited Steps To Reproduce on T109958: Helicrashsites stay at the same point.
rachii added a comment to T109880: Very rare loot in far north (and military base).
yes and in the towns at the coast there is nothing to eat and you cant survive as a freshspawn. My Friend died 6 times yesterday cause there was no loot. We have a 40 Slot Server and you cant find anything. On a other server with usually 3-4 Players there is nothing to find too so please fix that cause its not playable at the moment cause you cant survive as a freshspawn
rachii added a comment to T108326: 0.54 Render bug and massive fps drop.
Yes it worked too by me. So i hope it will help all others.
rachii added a comment to T107779: Died when i tried to entry a V3S.
Thanks for your Feedback,
Regards rachii
rachii edited Steps To Reproduce on T107779: Died when i tried to entry a V3S.
rachii set Category to category:items on T107341: Items do not spawn.
rachii added a comment to T106683: Some items have no spawn points (0.52).
Why they fix Sunglasses Spawn so fast and the Other stuff that not spawn is not fixed since 0.48 or longer