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User Since
Mar 10 2013, 1:01 AM (625 w, 2 d)

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May 10 2016

platinums edited Steps To Reproduce on T68180: Vehicle lights seen through rocks.
May 10 2016, 3:45 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

platinums added a comment to T61921: Change Stance - Cycle Up + Down with Single Key.

Covered here in more detail -

May 9 2016, 11:35 PM · Arma 3
platinums added a comment to T61921: Change Stance - Cycle Up + Down with Single Key.

LonoB - correct, so how does that help you go to the intermediate crouch?

Your solution does not address my request.
There are 2 stances in between prone and normal crouch.

I want to go from semi crouch to crouch and back again , with one key press and further more to assign the process to the mouse.

Also, you have to stop walking, then press ctrl and W to go up a stance then resume walking, the current stance cycle needs to be taken away from walk.

May 9 2016, 11:35 PM · Arma 3
platinums edited Steps To Reproduce on T61921: Change Stance - Cycle Up + Down with Single Key.
May 9 2016, 11:35 PM · Arma 3
platinums added a comment to T61020: Suggestion for Stance Changing.

It would be nice to be able to change stance sequentially whilst jogging. Having the w key used for walking forward obscured this.

May 9 2016, 10:39 PM · Arma 3
platinums added a comment to T61020: Suggestion for Stance Changing.

Also, instead of having to press 2 keys for stance;
We should be able to have a stance UP and DOWN keys mappable. We could then map this directly to a key and cycle through the stances in a linear fashion.
We should also be able to bind say, SHIFT + [ANY KEY] to stance up. Likewise for stance down.

Essentially untie the stance chang from thew walk keys.

May 9 2016, 10:39 PM · Arma 3
platinums added a comment to T59307: Unable to customize XBOX 360 gamepad controls, default preset is unusable.

As per Original Issue,[The default gamepad controls are unusable to due to dual mapping of turn/yaw right and fire.]

Please Fix I am having the same problem using a PS3 Pad and the DS3 Drivers, Emulating the Xbox for Windows Controller.

May 9 2016, 6:51 PM · Arma 3