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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 8:29 AM (588 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
phillfxc added a comment to T95929: Minimizing; game running but can not see graphics.
I've been having this problem, the only thing is, I only have one monitor. It will randomly alt tab out on it's own. And I can't get back in without ctrl+alt+del, and restarting. If I click anywhere I can hear my gun firing but I'm still on my desktop. Sometimes I play for 30 mins and it happens, sometimes only for ten minutes. It doesn't matter if I'm in my inventory, in the woods, or in a city.
phillfxc added a comment to T88498: Can only hold one water bottle.
Woops, my bad.
phillfxc edited Steps To Reproduce on T88498: Can only hold one water bottle.
phillfxc set Category to category:structures on T86802: Stuck behind blinds in church-elektro.
phillfxc added a comment to T86684: Uncomplete display of clothes.
This has happened to me from time to time, It seems to do it when swapping items that take the same slot. It seems to happen when there is some server/client lag going on.