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Sep 18 2014, 11:38 PM (545 w, 4 d)

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May 11 2016

pRemi added a comment to T105886: [PRIMARY REPORT] Game crash on server exit.

I am having the same problem on the stable 0.51 release.

May 11 2016, 2:38 AM · DayZ
pRemi set Category to category:playerstuck on T104252: Player died stuck.
May 11 2016, 1:35 AM · DayZ
pRemi added a comment to T103512: I received the Ban on game Dayz Standalone.


I am delighted that I BattlEye detect the use of a cheat on your machine. If it's really an error (Not nessecaire lying, because they have all the evidence to the banishment) must contact BattleEye on the official website of the anti cheat.

Link :
The email address for a preliminary survey of suspension: support[at]


May 11 2016, 1:08 AM · DayZ
pRemi added a comment to T103510: Adding a suicide option..


The possibility of suicide is planned, but not yet scheduled in the coming updates.


May 11 2016, 1:08 AM · DayZ
pRemi added a comment to T103480: Graphic issue.


The problem is being corrected by the developers. For more information, I suggest you see the main ticket on the problem :


May 11 2016, 1:07 AM · DayZ
pRemi added a comment to T103446: ne/nw of the map bugged.

Problem similar to <a href="">0017013</a> and <a href="">0016986</a>

May 11 2016, 1:06 AM · DayZ
pRemi added a comment to T103440: Backpack, weapons, ammo, and food just disappeared out of my inventory.

You may be victim of a cheater. There is a cheat software that can see an inventory of all players on the server, it is likely that a cheater stole your equipment.

May 11 2016, 1:06 AM · DayZ
pRemi added a comment to T103424: Warped character textures. Items stuck in inventory..


You're not the only person being a victim of the problem of textures. You can follow the developments here :

I posted a solution to debug textures, until the developers fix the problem.


May 11 2016, 1:05 AM · DayZ
pRemi added a comment to T103424: Warped character textures. Items stuck in inventory..

Here is a copy of my message that explains how to debug textures.



For the problem unload textures. I have a temporary solution to avoid restart the game to display textures.

Click "Configure" -> "Video" -> "Texture" and box of "Texture detail", you put "high" or other.

After that, put your previous settings. And textures will be able to recharge without leaving the game server or restart the game.

I'm sorry for my bad English.

Good day,

May 11 2016, 1:05 AM · DayZ
pRemi added a comment to T103422: [PRIMARY REPORT] 0.49 - 0.58 Performance and graphics issues.


I found a solution to the problem. This allowed me to play more than five hours without loss of texture every 40 minutes.

If you have modified and optimized the game by changing the settings of DayZ launch on Steam, please delete the following options:

This is apparently causing problems on my side. I hope to contribute to solving the problem on your machine.

(Sorry for my bad English)


May 11 2016, 1:03 AM · DayZ
pRemi added a comment to T103422: [PRIMARY REPORT] 0.49 - 0.58 Performance and graphics issues.


I also managed to stabilize the situation a bit down the value of "sceneComplexity" to 50000.

But there always comes the problem, sometimes textures discharges and return instantly and sometimes randomly, textures disappear and do not come back, except using my method of debugging this written above.

I'm sorry for my bad English.


May 11 2016, 1:03 AM · DayZ
pRemi added a comment to T103422: [PRIMARY REPORT] 0.49 - 0.58 Performance and graphics issues.


For the problem unload textures. I have a temporary solution to avoid restart the game to display textures.

Click "Configure" -> "Video" -> "Texture" and box of "Texture detail", you put "high" or other.

After that, put your previous settings. And textures will be able to recharge without leaving the game server or restart the game.

I'm sorry for my bad English.

Good day,

May 11 2016, 1:03 AM · DayZ
pRemi added a comment to T103422: [PRIMARY REPORT] 0.49 - 0.58 Performance and graphics issues.

@mist3r : I do not think so. Should do tests to find out. For my part, I play with all the settings in low.

May 11 2016, 1:03 AM · DayZ
pRemi added a comment to T103395: several issues: loss of textures, naked spawn, no default character loaded.

I also have the same problem in game. Thurs After about 40 minutes, a big lag makes disappear all textures.

I have to disconnect from the server and return to the main menu and go to the list of servers to allow the game of reload the textures.

I have a graphics card: ATI Radeon HD 4830

May 11 2016, 1:02 AM · DayZ